Landscape architecture and planning services for the production of Deliverability Statements for Greenfield sites in Cheshire East.
Cass Associates has been commissioned by Persimmon Homes (North West) to produce Deliverability Statements to support its evidence in promoting a number of Greenfield sites at the Cheshire East Local Plan Examination.
Our landscape team undertook a landscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA) for each of the five sites, aswell as a desk-based research exercise into constraints and opportunities.
These two elements informed an appraisal of the site and surroundings and the production of a constraints and opportunities plan, together with an indicative masterplan to illustrate how the site would be delivered. Additional input was provided by highway consultants on access issues.
Our planning team provided an assessment of the sites against the five purposes for including land in the Green Belt and the deliverability of the sites against the relevant NPPF tests.