Cass Associates appointed to prepare a residential development brief for vacant office buildings by Herefordshire County Council.
Cass Associates has provided planning, masterplanning, architecture and landscape architecture input into this commission, including a measured building survey of the existing buildings and tree survey.
The practice has worked closely with the LPA to identify the constraints and opportunities within the site and obtain guidance from them as to the extent, level and scale of development that may be permitted. The brief will be used by the Council as part of the sales particulars as they market the site for development.
We prepared a development brief and are engaged with the LPA to determine the development potential of the site.
The site is located within the Hafod Road Conservation Area to the east of Hereford City Centre. It includes a substantial amount of trees that are subject to a Tree Preservation Order and the heritage, landscape, arboricultural and ecological values of the site are key constraints to it’s development potential.